Parametric study of the evaporation rate in the presence of an airflow


  • Abdelouahad Aliouali Laboratory of Mechanical Engineering: LGM RP BP 145, 07000 Biskra, Algeria
  • Kamel Talbi Mechanical Engineering Department University Frí¨res Mentouri Constantine 1 BP 325, 25017 Constantine, Algeria
  • Rafik Bouakkaz Military Academy of Cherchell, Tipaza, Algeria



evaporation rate, stagnant film model, Stefan flux, numerical study


The present work consists of determining the rate of evaporation through a porous and permeable flat wall surface in the presence of a laminar flow of dry air. We propose a numerical analysis of the mass transfer in the gaseous phase whose physical properties are variable. A parametric study of the different influences on the mass flow rate of steam is carried out. The mathematical formulation of this problem is based on the coupled equations of the dynamic field, temperature, and mass fraction of the vapor. The system of equations with the boundary conditions and the interface is solved through the finite volume method.


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How to Cite

Aliouali, Abdelouahad, Kamel Talbi, and Rafik Bouakkaz. 2019. “Parametric Study of the Evaporation Rate in the Presence of an Airflow”. Metallurgical and Materials Engineering 25 (3):209-24.


