The Role of sustainable Design with Local Environmental Materials to Reduce the Carbon Footprint of Urban Areas in Siwa Oasis


  • Farag Mohamed Zaki Abd Elnaby Associate Professor at Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering - El Materiya Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt
  • Mahmoud Attiya Mohamed Ali Associate Professor at Department of Architectural, October High Institute for Engineering and Technology, 6th of October, Giza, Egypt



global warming, carbon footprint, Siwa Oasis, local materials, Sustainable hotel.


Climate change is one of the most difficult environmental challenges facing humanity caused by modern man, and requires global efforts to confront it by implementing policies and measures that help reduce harmful emissions and improve air quality. It has become necessary to take urgent measures to confront climate change, by reducing gas emissions and protecting the environment; the use of local materials in Siwa hotels is an ideal model for comprehensive sustainability and encouraging ecotourism, as it combines environmental conservation, providing local job opportunities, and enhancing the distinctive cultural and environmental identity of Siwa Oasis, and contributes to improving environmental and economic sustainability. This approach reduces waste, thus reducing pollution and costs associated with transporting materials from outside the region. It also helps enhance social sustainability by providing local job opportunities, thus strengthening the local economy. The aim of this research is to study the impact of local materials in hotel buildings in Siwa Oasis on reducing the carbon footprint and achieving sustainable design. This was achieved through an analytical study of buildings in Siwa Oasis and through an applied study using the designbuilder V 7.0 program. The results indicate that using local environmental materials, such as 40 cm kerchief, can reduce CO2 emissions by 6.6% compared to the base case.


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How to Cite

Farag Mohamed Zaki Abd Elnaby, and Mahmoud Attiya Mohamed Ali. 2025. “The Role of Sustainable Design With Local Environmental Materials to Reduce the Carbon Footprint of Urban Areas in Siwa Oasis”. Metallurgical and Materials Engineering 31 (1):66-81.


