Arsenic in industrial waste water from copper production technological process


  • Biljana Jovanović
  • Milana Popović


industrial waste water, arsenic, treatment


Investigation of arsenic in industrial waste water is of a great importance for environment. Discharge of untreated waste water from a copper production process results in serious pollution of surface water, which directly affects flora and fauna, as well as humans. There is a need for efficient and environmentally acceptable treament of waste waters containing heavy metals and arsenic. The paper presents an analyisis of the waste water from The Copper Smelter which is discharged into the Bor river. The expected arsenic content in treated waste water after using HDS procedure is also presented.


How to Cite

Jovanović, Biljana, and Milana Popović. 2013. “Arsenic in Industrial Waste Water from Copper Production Technological Process”. Metallurgical and Materials Engineering 19 (4):267-72.



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