Vol. 20 No. 4 (2014): Special Issue: 20 years of Journal publishing
In 2014 journal Metallurgical & Materials Engineering is celebrating its twentieth anniversary. The first issue of the journal was printed in 1995 under title Metalurgija-Journal of Metallurgy and in 2012 journal has changed its name to present. Journal Metallurgical & Materials Engineering publishes scientific, review and professional papers and preliminary communications and offers to all authors expedite peer-review, fast publishing of accepted paper and open access of their work to broad scientific community. Since the beginning of its publishing 575 papers have been issued, submitted by 856 authors from 36 countries and 230 scientific institutions and industry. Members of Editorial Board, eminent experts from science and industry, headed by four Editors-in-Chief, Branko Đurić (1995-2001), Endre Romhanji (2002-2003), Karlo Raić (2004-2008) and Milan Jovanović (2009- ) throughout these years relentlessly worked on journal promotion, attracting authors to submit their investigations, constantly trying to improve journal quality. Our journal was financially supported by co-publishers and Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, without whose help publishing would be hard to manage. Editors would like to thank all authors, reviewers and readers for your unselfish support in past twenty years, with hope that in the future period we will continue our
successful cooperation.
For Editors,
Dr. Marija Korać
Technical Editor