Development of the universal tool for testing of tensile properties of hexagonal steel wire mesh for civil engineering


  • Ivana Atanasovska Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade
  • Dejan Momčilović Institute for Testing of Materials, Belgrade
  • Milorad Gavrilovski Innovation Center of Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade



tensile strength, wire mesh, Finite Element Analysis.


The developing of the universal tool for testing of tensile properties of hexagonal steel wire mesh for civil engineering is described in this paper. The developed tool allows repeated testing of hexagonal steel wire mesh of different dimensions without tool changes and is generally related with the procedure for the determination of tensile strength properties of different wire meshes. The construction of the tool which is related to the aims of the decreased mass consumption and high operation safety is described in detail. Particular attention is focused on the safety component of the tool which ensuring safety testing by preventing slipping of the wire mesh samples during loading. The paper also presents the Finite Element Analysis performed in order to verify the high safety factor of the developed tool. The contact regions with stress concentration behavior are analyzed by non-linear solvers. The obtained results and conclusion about the possible contributions of the developed universal tool for extensively testing of wire meshes for civil engineering are discussed.


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How to Cite

Atanasovska, Ivana, Dejan Momčilović, and Milorad Gavrilovski. 2018. “Development of the Universal Tool for Testing of Tensile Properties of Hexagonal Steel Wire Mesh for Civil Engineering”. Metallurgical and Materials Engineering 24 (2):113-22.


