Microstructural developments and mechanical properties of friction stir welding of AZ91D magnesium alloy plates


  • Nagabhushan Kumar Kadigithala National Institute of Technology, Warangal,India.
  • Vanitha C National Instutute of Technology Warangal




Magnesium based alloys, AZ91D Mg Alloy, Friction stir welding, Dynamic recrystallization.


Friction stir welding (FSW) is an efficient technique which can be used particularly for magnesium and aluminum alloys that are difficult to fusion weld. In this work AZ91D Mg alloy plates 3mm thick were friction stir welded at different process variables such as rotational speed and welding speed. The range of rotational speeds varied from 1025 to 1525 rpm, and the welding speed varied from 25 to 75 mm/min. Good quality welds were obtained under 1025 rpm of rotational speed with the welding speeds range from 25 to 75 mm/min. The microstructure of the AZ91D alloy consists of primary α-phase, eutectic α-phase and eutectic β (Mg17Al12) phase in the received condition (gravity die cast). The original dendrite grain structure completely disappeared and was transformed to fine equiaxed grains in stir zone (SZ). It was observed that there was a slight increase in hardness in SZ, because of fine recrystallized grain structure. The transverse tensile test results of weld specimens indicated constant strength irrespective of traveling speed. Fractrographic analysis of the friction stir welded specimens showed the brittle failure.

Author Biographies

Nagabhushan Kumar Kadigithala, National Institute of Technology, Warangal,India.

Deapartment of Metallurgy and Materials Enginnering,

Research Scholar.

Vanitha C, National Instutute of Technology Warangal

Dr. C Vanitha

Assistant Professor

Deapartment of Metallurgy and Materials Enginnering,


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How to Cite

Kadigithala, Nagabhushan Kumar, and Vanitha C. 2017. “Microstructural Developments and Mechanical Properties of Friction Stir Welding of AZ91D Magnesium Alloy Plates”. Metallurgical and Materials Engineering 23 (2):119-30. https://doi.org/10.30544/221.



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