Recent experiences with improving steel-to-hot-metal ratio in BOF steelmaking


  • T. D. Bradarić
  • Z. M. Slović
  • K.T. Raić


BOF process, scrap / hot metal ratio, yield, KPIs, cost production, Železara Smederevo.


After the American company U.S. Steel pulled out of Serbia, the Serbian government decided to continue the steel production in Železara Smederevo. Given the unfavorable market conditions, this decision requires taking all necessary steps to reduce production costs in the time to come. Since most of the production losses occur during Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF) process, this paper focuses on this stage of steel production. We provide an overview of related experiences in other steel plants as well as earlier production experiences in Železara Smederevo, and propose cost saving measures that will improve the overall business position of the Serbia's only one steel producer. These measures do not require new investments.


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How to Cite

Bradarić, T. D., Z. M. Slović, and K.T. Raić. 2016. “Recent Experiences With Improving Steel-to-Hot-Metal Ratio in BOF Steelmaking”. Metallurgical and Materials Engineering 22 (2):101-6.



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