Complex sulphide-barite ore leaching in ferric chloride solution


  • Miroslav Sokić
  • Vladislav Matković
  • Branislav Marković
  • Vaso Manojlović
  • Nada Å trbac
  • Dragana Živković
  • Željko Kamberović


sulphide-barite ore, high pressure leaching, ferric chloride


The results of research on the leaching process of complex sulphide-barite ore were presented in this paper. The leaching process was carried out in a laboratory autoclave by ferric chloride solution. Considering that those minerals are represented in complex structural-textural relationships, it is not possible to extract lead, zinc and copper minerals from ore by flotation methods. The obtained results confirmed possibility of the ore processing directly, by chemical methods. The effect of temperature, time and oxygen partial pressure on the lead, zinc and copper dissolution was studied. The maximal leaching degree was achieved at 100 °C and amount of 91.5 % for Pb, 96.1 % for Zn and 60.7 % for Cu). Leaching at temperatures above 100 °C is impractical.


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How to Cite

Sokić, Miroslav, Vladislav Matković, Branislav Marković, Vaso Manojlović, Nada Å trbac, Dragana Živković, and Željko Kamberović. 2016. “Complex Sulphide-Barite Ore Leaching in Ferric Chloride Solution”. Metallurgical and Materials Engineering 22 (2):81-90.



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