Effect of particle size on the froth floatation of Sokoto phosphate ore


  • U.A. Hassan
  • S.A. Yaro
  • M. M. Abdulwahab
  • M.R. Dodo


Sokoto phosphate rock, beneficiation, deposit, metallurgical grade, AERO 704 (fatty Acid), Flotation, particle size.


Effect of particle size on the froth floatation of Sokoto phosphate ore for its beneficiation has been investigated and established. The research has been conducted using various reagents, pH(s) at different sieve size fractions. Bench scale flotation tests were carried out on -250+180μm, -180+106μm, -106+75μm, -75+45μm and -45+38μm particle size fractions after screening in order to determine the optimum flotation feed size distribution using 1 liter Denver flotation cell. The results of the scoping flotation studies using a conditioning Pulp Density of 60%Solids, pH9, 800g/t reagent dosage for AERO704 Promoter (Fatty Acid) and flotation pulp density of 28.5% Solids show that +106μm particle size gave the highest assay content of 20.4% P2O5 with a recovery of 76.2% compared to +38μm (19.9%P2O5 and recovery of 43.2%) and +180μm (19.4%P2O5 and 24.1% recovery) in their floats (concentrates) but with no perfect separation as the tailings fraction also contained similar grades with slight differences.


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How to Cite

Hassan, U.A., S.A. Yaro, M. M. Abdulwahab, and M.R. Dodo. 2016. “Effect of Particle Size on the Froth Floatation of Sokoto Phosphate Ore”. Metallurgical and Materials Engineering 22 (2):73-80. https://metall-mater-eng.com/index.php/home/article/view/215.



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