Experimental Analysis of Fatigue Crack Path for Strained Functionally Graded Materials


  • M. Abdulrazzaq Department of Materials Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Al-qadisiyah, Iraq
  • Mahmoud. A. Hassan Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Al-qadisiyah, Iraq




crack paths; FGM. Fatigue vibration.


This paper experimentally discusses crack paths in strained Functionally graded materials under constant loading conditions and vibration fatigue. The objective is to synthesize the body of knowledge on the stability of FGM. The article presents the development, production, and characterization of multi-Al (aluminum), Ni (nickel), and Titanium alloys. FGM it was successfully modified using the powder metallurgical technique. Five-layer FGM samples frequently utilize (Al, Ni), on one end and (Al-Ni-Ti) on the first. FGM sample mechanical characteristics have been investigated using wear and Fatigue testing. The Al/Ni/Titanium FGM compact specimen approaches the yield stress and ultimate stress values, which is regarded as a significant improvement in mechanical qualities with less weight. The test findings are for a constant amplitude load fully reversed with zero mean stress. The stress life approach examined three samples' fatigue characteristics and natural frequency under random vibration.


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How to Cite

M. Abdulrazzaq, and Mahmoud. A. Hassan. 2023. “Experimental Analysis of Fatigue Crack Path for Strained Functionally Graded Materials”. Metallurgical and Materials Engineering 29 (3):1-8. https://doi.org/10.56801/MME1001.


